My name is Ameur Neffati, I was born on April 20, 2002, and I have just obtained my Interactive-Media-Designer CFC (Federal Vocational Education and Training Certificate). I have always been passionate about art and design.

My goal is to continually improve myself so that I can live solely from my creations, as it is what I love most, along with perhaps an equal passion for eating prickly pears. I live in Switzerland and speak French, German, and English. I have a penchant for illustration, but I also love to combine different arts and collaborate with others on projects. For me, this profession is the best way to communicate.

In this portfolio, you will find commissioned work as well as personal projects because, in addition to being my profession, design is also my great passion. I enjoy working professionally by adapting to my client or employer's needs as much as I enjoy working on freer and more whimsical projects.